Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Whats new?

So, here is what has been going on in our lives. Olivia is nine months old! She is actually starting to get a little bigger :). We had her nine month check up and she is doing ok. Her iron is low and she is kind of yellow, but we really won't know for sure what is causing it until we have her surgery. They are going to be removing a lump on her forhead above her left eye on Feb 23. Then they will do some labs on it to determine what it is exactly. It may be causing her to be having these other problems. So we will find out soon! She is so cute though. She is going through this weird phase where she is making incredible faces, as shown! She is crawling around like crazy and finally sitting up on her own. She is such a mommy's girl!

Brody is also doing well. He is 21 months old! Its crazy how fast they grow up. He is talking so much! It is so weird how one day they can just put sentences together. He is getting so big I can't keep up! His new thing lately is he can jump and get BOTH feet off the ground! He also loves the progressive commercials, I have no idea why, but he laughs every time. As he gets older he is really letting his personality show. He is so special.

As for Spencer and I, we are just tring to be the best parents we can. I am working at a salon in Saratoga Springs a few nights a weeks and Saturdays. I really love it! I didn't think I would ever love going to work. It's so fun! Spencer is working for a company called Visual Creative Media, digital advertising, and it is really starting to pick up. I am so proud of him. He is trying so hard to make it so I don't have to work. But after being at the salon, I don't think I will quit when I can :) Hopefully I can get myself to start doing this more often!


Brandon and Lindsay said...

Your kids are soo beautiful. I hope everything is going well, and I hope Olivia's surgery goes well. Keep us posted, and you'll be in our prayers!

The Lotts said...

I looovvveee Olivia's face in the second picture. Thanks for the update.

Anonymous said...

Jess- your kids are so cute! I can't believe how much they look like Spencer! I hope everything goes perfectly on your sweet little girls surgery! Let me know if I can do anything!

Ashley said...

So sorry to hear about Olivia and surgery. Is it anything serious?

Megan and Taj said...

Your family is adorable!!! I can't believe how much Brody looks like Spencer!!!!! Oh both kids are so cute! I am glad to see that all went well with your little girls surgery!

HallWalking said...

What a little heartbreaker!